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I wanna be Tired. In the good way.
Do you know what I mean? Sometimes we're tired in a not-so pleasant way. We're exhausted because of worry, stress, work and life. That's not the kind of tired I'm talking about. I mean tired in the good way.
The- "I've been playing in the sunshine and fresh air all day- and now I'm sleeping like a rock, way" that children experience. Like Noah- here:Camping. Sunshine. Fun. Family. Friends.
Playing hard. Working hard. (if putting stuff in the hamper and sweeping out the camper is work;)
It'll wipe you out.
It's funny how a little time in the sun and fresh air can help you to rest and relax. To sleep like a baby. But, it is so true.
By the end of each day, he was wiped out. Sleeping like... well, he was sleeping like a baby;)
So were the rest of us, but ,as I tend to drool when I sleep, there won't be any pictures of me! I'm not as cute as Mr Noah. While we were gone, I would lie down, and tell my DH... "I'm exhausted, from doing NOTHING!" The truth is, I had been doing A LOT.
Being together, talking, laughing, praying, studying, listening, playing, working (well- a LITTLE) wondering, enjoying just BEING. It all wiped me out.;) In the good way.
The MOPS Theme this year comes from John 10:7-10- The focus is on living a "Full LIFE". Fresh air, Breathing Deeply.
John 10:7-10
Therefore Jesus said again, "I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. "
While going thru my pictures of the trip, I realized that an example of evidence of a "full life" can be found in the picture of Noah. To me it represents living well, and fully. So fully, that when your head hits the pillow- you rest. I want my life with GOD to be lived that fully.
I don't mean living on vacation (though- that would be nice too;) I mean living a life so full of God, of living in the Son-light that I plop my head on the pillow at night, exhausted, in the "good way". I want to play in His creation, do the work He has for me, with all my heart, and love with the love He gives to me. Till, I'm plumb tuckered out;)
For Noah this happens when he plays outside. What about me? What about you?
What are the things that have that effect on us?
Here is my short list:
1) time to read, study-pray, worship and LISTEN. That for me- is playing in the SONSHINE.
2) time outside. There is something about God's creation that re-charges me.
3) doing the things God has for me. Whatever that may be. Sometimes big- sometimes small, but there is something about knowing what I am to do, and doing it.
4) time loving and being loved. There is something about being with my "Peeps" that just feels like living fully. I think it's the sense of connection- the sense of being part of a complete Body- instead of being a PART of a body- cut off from the whole.
How bout you? What does your list look like?
Post em in the comments;)
Dear Lord- I pray tat I could learn to live fully- in your presence, at all times, that I would not wait for vacations or projects or scheduled times, but that each breath that I take would be breathing deeply of You and your Spirit, that each exhale would be breathing out to others the same Spirit. that I would live fully and be fully filled- I love you Lord- amen