I'm a multi poster today---
You can find me at:
Laced with Grace
And a new post at Missional Mom... find out about the first missionary I ever met... and how he wasn't even a Christian, at the time;)
"Mom, will you put that camera away?"
"Mommarazzi, sheesh! You can't get away from it" But who could resist???????
Was it a full moon? Apparently not--- just a crazy mom;)
Maybe a little too much with the camera this weekend... someone is looking a little irritated with his mommy. No clue where all that attitude comes from.....
What's left after 3 grown men (2teen- men) eat a holiday meal??? Not much! As the pie settles, and a crummy football game plays in the background, a wicked game of chess ensues. (Lasted over an hour. Let it be known that my guys are multi talented and diverse in their interests! And- yes I was standing on the kitchen chair to et this shot--- someone really needs to clean the top of that light fixture!) Hunting in the morning- politics over dinner- chess over dessert, and video games before bed....)Pre- dinner--- the guys look tired, because they are. The went deer hunting @ 4:30 a.m.! Missing from the table, sugar free- maple glazed corn squash, Mashed potatoes, mashed garlic cauliflower, green beans almondine...(yes- for Mr S and I it was a low carb holiday;) I've lost about 10 lbs;)
Pumpkin pie for the guys- (I don't like pumpkin pie at ALL....not a temptation) I used almond flour to make the crust.. low carb, and they said it was great)
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4: 4-7)
"Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." Colossians 3:16-17 Today, My husband is giving me a special gift. He knows I am closing in on a self imposed deadline to get my book proposal out--- by December 1. He took today off of work, so I can go someplace quiet and work for as long as it takes, to make some major progress. I'm taking: my Bible, my laptop, my Ipod...... and some 115 printed pages(notes chapter outlines ideas etc...) to go get my crap together....this will involve re-organizing sections, and cleaning up chapters... Please pray--- and join me in thanking God- yet again- for the best husband in the world....;)
A Warning to Wives and Mom's of Hunters:
Between Martha Stewart and my Mom, I thought I had the "How to do laundry" topic pretty well covered. I fold my towels "the right way" (Lengthwise in thirds, then in half width wise and again--- so they are ready to be placed over the towel rack...whatever- everyone has their own right way- your house- your towels- your way- I say;) ) I do a load (at least) of laundry everyday, so it doesn't become an overwhelming mess... umm theoretically, anyway, not so much working for me in real life). See? I know how to do laundry. The thing I didn't know? To check pockets for shotgun shells. Martha said nothing about it. Mom said nothing about it. Nada. Not one word. This morning? AFTER a load was finished? A shotgun shell, unexpended, was rattling around the dryer. A few things about that... 1) Shotgun shells are explosive. 2) Even a nice dryer isn't bullet-proof. 3) The dryer gets HOT, very hot. 4) I'm having a lucky day. There were no bullet holes to be found. Shannon- at Rocks in my Dryer- ocassionally blogs about things she finds in her dryer... usually rocks and other child- found treasures. I can only say this...as they get older and their interests change.... you'll find things that are equally interesting, but very different! Can you comment on the strangest thing you've ever found in your dryer? Come on--- help a Mom out--- I can't be the only one with shotgun shells.... (ok- this was a first at our house even, but I've found...video games, money, wallets, wheelbarrows of lint, candy, diapers, (still not sure how THAT happened) rocks, notes from teachers- business cards, (lots of those) receipts.... Whew. Just glad it didn't go off and hurt anyone. THAT would have been awful. I can see the headlines now.... "Teenager shoots his mother (ummm could have been husband, not sure whose pocket it came from) days after he unloads his gun.....and while he's actually at school.. nearly a perfect crime...if not for the laundry pile she was found on..."
Wow! My first Secret Pal 9 Package arrived! All the way from England! What a thoughtful- sweet and beautiful package! There are two UK Knitting Magazines, (which were devoured upon arrival, with an appropriate cup of Earl Grey, as the sun has not been out in Michigan in DAYS, and it's perfect curl up on the couch and browse magazine weather!) Next up---- After blocking pics of the Print of the Wave Shawl.... as requested;) The sun is NOT very cooperative it's rainy, overcast and gloomy here, lately! If you;d like to better see the stitches in thes pics, click the pic, then you can see the enlargements at flickr!;) Here's a pesudo- artsy hanging in the doorwall shot :
There is beautiful lace-weight "Fiberspates" Yarn, which is produced in Wales, (where my Great- grandparents lived prior to coming to the States, and where my Grandmother was born!) There is also a beautiful Calendar, full of pics of the UK... My SP even wrote a lovely letter, taking me on a pictoral tour, of where she's been, lived and worked! In addition, to all the above are English Rose Scented Drawer sachet's which I put immediately into my knitting bags!
There were even 2 large pages of dinosaur stickes for Mr Noah! Which he promptly stuck all over his half naked body;)
All I can say- is THANK YOU!!!! Here is a corner- up close and personal. I was incredibly intimidated by that border, especially the corners, I'm happy how they've turned out!
And finally- among the leaves in the yard....fyi- this was AFTER Noah and Daddy had already de-leafed the yard... Why is it that Willows are the last to drop their leaves? Like WAY last..... after everything else is long gone?
Because we have "teens" and a little guy. We sometimes have interesting TV viewing habits, which includes in any given day watching Spongebob together- or Mythbusters, or Clifford the Big Red Dog.
Typically, it's the little one cracking us up. Using "Big people" words etc... This time it was Mike, my 17 year old. While watching the much annoying (albeit funny) "Spongebob's Best Day Ever Marathon" he thoughtfully announced:
"Isn't Spongebob saying "tartar sauce" the equivilent of us saying "embalming fluid? That's nasty."
(For the non- Spongebob imbibing... Spongebob uses the word "tartar sauce" as a pseudo-swear word.
Mike must have been really thinking hard that day- because while watching "Clifford, the Big Red Dog" He wondered aloud...
"Man, it would suck if Clifford got rabies, that would be carnage"
Yes- I laughed out loud. You never do know what kis are thinking....
Eunny Jang's Print Of the Wave Scarf/Stole.... about 1000 yds of Knitpicks Shadow Laceweight in Vineyard... knit and waiting to block Hmmm with what will I wear it? I'm thinkin t-shirt and jeans or white top and slacks;) More pics when it's dry;)
Merino soup? Nope- First a 30 inutes soak in Eucalan..... to prep the fiber for blocking.
A strange pic of the stole blocking... There are mistakes everywhere... but I don't care. I love it. It's taken since June. And it's DONE!
IS it over yet? Apparently not. The phone is still ringing with annoying calls, somehow I think you should be free of political calls once you've voted. Either way, I voted. Did you? The polls are still open it doesn't take long, lives have paid for this right. Exercise it. My Post is over at "Laced With Grace" Today Find out if I've been "Oughted" our have ever "Oughted" anyone else....and whether you have .... My Print Of the Wave Stole is finished. I'll be blocking tonight. Pics in the morning! ;) And please even if your Political and Economics Teacher told you one vote doesn't count..(My 14 year olds teacher dids just this.) VOTE ANYWAYS. You make a difference, and you set an example. Oh, and try not to smack-down any political flyer passers... I doubt it's the same people who make the calls.... Though a question about that too, they know you throw it out as soon as you're in the door, right? Sheesh. Politics.
This is one of my first posts on The Print O The Wave Stole. This is absolutely the longest time from cast on- to cast off- for any project I've done. I started it in JUNE.
There have been weeks I took of for mental health, as I thought that my knitting should certainly not lead to the death of any family members....(they agreed) I have had serious doubts whether I'd ever finish at all. Not so much doubting anymore....I'm feeling like the little engine that could....chugging to the top of the hill..... I may be finished tomorrow. I can't wait! The "Recipe" is available for free here: See Eunny Knit it is available as a pdf in her right hand sidebar. I am using Knit Picks Shadow Merino Laceweight, in "Vineyard". Needles are Knit Picks Options in US #5. Perfect for lace. Hopefully I'll have pre-blocking and blocking pics for you for tomorrow! ;) Yippe and squee....If only I could get my book finished. Hmmm, better open the file;)
Looking for help over at Missional Mom.... Click and see if you can help me out;) I'm working to identify the " Idols of Motherhood" There is a list to get things rolling....thnx for helping;)
Ring, ring..... "Hi, you've reached Kyle and Tracey, we can't (won't) come to the phone right now, but if you leave your name and a message, we'll get back to you as soon as we can....BEEEEEEEP" "Hi, did you hear the debate last night? I'm ___________from the______________party, and I wanted to make sure that you know that politicians are____________.......Don't forget to vote!" BEEEEEEEP! Everyday, the same kind of calls. I'm going to scream. Here's the thing, they are from the party my husband is registered with. A question.... why are they harassing us? If we're already registered ________'s then, DUH, we don't need to be convinced to vote as ________'s. Why waste the call? Next- in this "evangelical endeavor" (their trying to get people to convert to their political view, I suppose) do they really expect someone to either pick up the phone, and hear the teenager being paid to make these calls sand change their political view? Or--- worse yet, are they really expecting someone to come home from work, hear the message left on their MACHINE and convert? Doubtful. If they call today, I;'m picking up the phone and telling them I'm writing myself in, or suing for harassment. (ok.... that's a lie, but their driving me NUTS!) Oh, and another thing..... Not identifying yourself, and starting the message with "Hi, did you hear debate last night..." does not TRICK me. I know immediately, who you are. A tip....NOT one of my friends would EVER call, and leave me a message like that, and if they did, it would be a joke. Your political jedi- mind tricks don't work here. Give it up. Finally, in the category of things that make me want to scream.....If I see the commercial for "Spongebob's Best Day Ever" One more time....My head will explode through my mouth, causing a scream that will scare the North Koreans out of bomb making. I will then immediately book a flight to Orlando, and stand at the gates of Nickelodeon Studios (the gates of h***?) and sing at the top of my lungs (don't make me come down there and sing,.... you DON'T want to hear it) Kumbahyah, in my most annoying girl-scout voice. So today, a question.....in the comments- please tell us all, about the most annoying telemarketer- experience you've had, or- share your political testimony if you've been converted by one..... Alternatively: Spongebob, love him hate him, make you want to scream? Finally outside of the stupid "whale" noise guys... what is your most annoying commercial?
1) It hurts. 2) To refill my inhaler. (Fatter or not, I've not "outgrown" my exercise induced asthma, just my jeans.) 3) That it makes me want to not eat junk food... 'cause it's not worth the extra exercise.... Lately I've just plain been feeling crappy. Fat, slow, unhealthy and yucky. I recently saw a couple of pics that gave me a jolt. Time to take better are of myself. So this morning... Noah and I spent half an hour doing a little Pilates. (he's cute- I look ridiculous) Then I ran up and down the steps for a bit. That's when I remembered I hadn't used my inhaler. ouch. I am still coughing. This is not good. I'll make an appt to refill my meds. The good news? Instead of grousing and complaining, at least I'm doing somethng about it. I'm thinking about getting a membership at Curves....anybody have any experience there? I hear there are no men, and no mirrors.. that will work for me. (I don'/t like the meat mkt feel of some mixed gender gyms.....and as for mirrors, well- I have no need to see how stupid I look while trying to work out....;) And... just to prove the world is nuts... I exercise start to wheeze then THIS happens.... Maybe it's a sign I should go back to the couch? Maybe not- but it certainly DOES mean I need to catch up on mitten knittin.. in the mitten;)
Even Batman loves his mom......especially when he's being allowed to eat candy this close to bedtime;) When I took this, I realized this could be the very LAST pics of my teens even somewhat dressed up for Halloween.....yes- the big one is carrrying his pillow case- straight off the bed and probably still damp from drool....Candy diving, a family tradition
Ooops! You got knitting, in my candy! (Koigu KPPM US #2's from Celtic Swan... that's a costume for me;)
Batman knows "Dots" are an attempt by adults to force children to eat "adult stuff'" He's not buying it, those will go to Daddy.
The pre-kids spread...... Halloween is controversial for Christians... our family likes to give full size goodies.... and love on our neighbors for a bit. I try to have something for everybody.... the chocolate lovers, the sour stuff lovers.. and Goldfish for the little ones;) Back to regular blogging tomorrow.. after the sugar wears off.